
Complete Wildlife List for identified species at Charles and Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve at Highfields to come.

Echidna Crossing the road and entering into the Charles and Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve at Highfields.


  • KOALA  (Phascolarctos cinereus) Conservation status in Queensland: Vulnerable  The koala is one of the most recognised Australian animals.  South East Queensland was once home to one of Australia's largest populations of koalas. Today, they are under serious threat from development, cars, dogs and stress-related diseases. (Source:  Qld Government Dept Environment & Heritage Protection 2017)  (Confirmed Koala Sighting's 12 August 2014, 14 Feb 2015, 2016, 2017, November 2019, May 2020)

  • SUGAR GLIDER Petaurus breviceps (Confirmed Sightings March - April 2014) (2 - 29/08/14) 
  • SQUIRREL GLIDER   Petaurus norfolcensis 
  • FEATHERTAIL GLIDER  Acrobates pygmaeus 
  • COMMON BRUSHTAIL POSSUM Trichosurs vulpecula (Confirmed Sightings March - April 2014) 
  • COMMON RINGTAIL POSSUM     Pseudocheirus peregrinus (Confirmed Sightings March - April 2014) 
  • Yellow-footed Antechinus Antechinus flavipes 
  • Short-beaked Echidna Tachyglossus aculeatus 
  • Northern Brown Bandicoot Isoodon macrourus 
  • Long-nosed Bandicoot (Perameles nasuta) (Confirmed Sightings March - April 2014) 
  • Red-necked Wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus) (Confirmed Sightings March - April 2014)
  • Eastern Blue-tongued Lizard (Tiliqua scincoides) 
  • Bearded Dragon (Pogona barbata) 
  • EASTERN WATER DRAGON (Intellagama lesueurii)
  • Wide variety of skink Lizards 
  • Wide variety of geckoes
  •  White-crowned Snake (Cacophis harriettae) (Confirmed Sighting March - April 2014) 

  • Great Barred Frog (Mixophyes fasciolatus) 
  • Scarlet Sided Pobblebonk Frog (aka Northern Banjo Frog) (Limnodynastes terraereginae) (Confirmed Sightings March - April 2014) 
  • ORNATE BURROWING FROG (Platyplectrum ornatum)
  • and many more to be confirmed.

PREVIOUS WILDLIFE SPECIES OBSERVED AT THE CHARLES & MOTEE ROGERS BUSHLAND RESERVE (Prior to Edge Clearing & removal of Wildlife Corridors)*.  (It is un-confirmed if these species have survived within the reserve since the removal of vital corridors and trees by Toowoomba Regional Council).

  1. Greater Glider  (Large Hollow Trees known as the Greater Glider's Habitat were were removed from the cnr of Polzin Rd & O'Brien road by TRC for the widening & sealing of Polzin Road).
  2. Swamp Wallaby
  3. Rufous Bettong 

* List compiled by information provided by local expert Wildlife Carers who monitor species in the reserve and have kept survey records.

(Only Confirmed Bird Sightings have been added to this list and it will continue to be updated with survey records added on a regular basis)

  1. Pacific Baza 
  2. Black Kite 
  3. Barn Owl (Tyto javanica) (Confirmed Sightings March - April 2014)
  4. Common Bronzewing 
  5. Crested Pigeon 
  6. Yellow-tailed Black- Cockatoo 
  7. Galah 
  8. Little Corella  (Nesting in Hollows at Reserve August 2014)
  9. Long-billed Corella (September 2006) (20th June 2014)
  10. Sulphur-crested Cockatoo 
  11. Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike (Coracina novaehollandiae) 
  12. Spotted Dove (Streptopelia chinensis) (Introduced Species)
  13. Common Bronzewing (Phaps chalcoptera)
  14. Rainbow Lorikeet 
  15. Scaly-breasted Lorikeet 
  16. Musk Lorikeet 
  17. Little Lorikeet 
  18. Australian King-Parrot 
  19. Pale-headed Rosella 
  20. Common Koel 
  21. Channel-billed Cuckoo 
  22. Pheasant Coucal 
  23. Laughing Kookaburra 
  24. Sacred Kingfisher 
  25. Dollarbird 
  26. Superb Fairy-wren 
  27. Variegated Fairy-Wren 
  28. Striated Pardalote 
  29. White-browed Scrubwren 
  30. White-throated Gerygone (Gerygone albogularis) (Confirmed Sighting March - April 2014)
  31. Brown Thornbill 
  32. Noisy Friarbird 
  33. Eastern Whipbird (21/03/14)
  34. Noisy Miner 
  35. Lewin’s Honeyeater 
  36. Yellow-faced Honeyeater 
  37. Brown Honeyeater (Lichmera indistincta)
  38. Golden Whistler 
  39. Grey Shrike-thrush 
  40. Grey Fantail 
  41. Rufous Fantail 
  42. Olive-backed Oriole 
  43. Figbird 
  44. Grey Butcherbird 
  45. Pied Butcherbird (Cracticus nigrogularis) (Confirmed Sightings March - April 2014)
  46. Pied Currawong (Confirmed Sightings March - April 2014)
  47. Australian Magpie (Cracticus tibicen)  (Confirmed Sightings March - April 2014)
  48. Magpie-Lark (Grallina cyanoleuca)
  49. Torresian Crow 
  50. Silvereye 
  51. Common Myna

* BIRD SPECIES List compiled by:

  •  Pat & Kath McConnell (Toowoomba Bird Observers) at Charles & Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve as observed between January & March 2014
  • Judith Gray 
  • Redleaf Projects Environmental Survey Report for Charles and Motee Rogers Reserve (24th March - 7th April 2014)

  • Blue Triangle   Graphium sarpedon
  • Orchard Swallowtail   Papilio aegeus
  • Wanderer   Danaus plexippus
  • Lesser Wanderer    Danaus chrysippus
  • Blue Tiger Tirumala hamata 
  • Common Crow Euploea core 
  • Scarlet Jezebel (Delias argenthona) 
  • Grey Ringlet Hypocysta pseudirius 
  • Large Grass-yellow Butterfly (aka Common Grass Yellow) Eurema hecabe