Friends of Rogers Reserve Group


The Group aims to meet the First Friday of the month at the front entrance to the reserve on Sean McCarthy Way (formerly Community Court) at 9am. Group Meetings and working bee's generally go until 11.00am followed by a byo morning tea and a chat and sometimes a coffee at the Highfields Sports Centre next door. Everyone can get involved in a variety of ways, including bush regeneration, fauna and flora surveys and observations, photography for the blog or facebook page.

To participate, participants require suitable clothing for the outdoor activities.

Suitable clothing includes elastic side boots (or other sturdy boots or shoes), trousers, long sleeve shirt, a broad brimmed hat (and leather riggers gloves where possible).

Also bring drinking water and snacks.

We provide training, supervision, equipment, etc. (including leather riggers gloves if required).

We recommend joining the Friends of the Escarpment Parks Group for full insurance coverage before attending, although you are most welcome to just turn up at one of our working bees.  Individual Membership - $10/year, Family Membership (includes school aged children) - $10/year You can do so here:

An Email will be sent out to existing members of the group prior to the next meeting and we aim to post updates on our Facebook Page. To be included in this email list or for more information please send your details to: rogersreserve {at} yahoo {dot} com {dot} au

We would love to see some more friendly faces at our group.

Your welcome to join us at ROGERS RESERVE.

The "Friends of Rogers Reserve" Group was formed in early 2014 after advice from Toowoomba Regional Council as a way of concerned residents being actively involved in the management and preservation of the Charles and Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve at Highfields. The volunteer group has been working consistently since then and are a dedicated team of locals.