
Thursday, July 6, 2017

Last Chance to have your Say about the Future of the Charles & Motee Rogers Busland Reserve

Tomorrow, Friday 7th July is the communities last chance to have their say about the future and fate of the Charles & Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve.

If you have not already done so, please sign the following petitions and leave your feedback for TRC on their Have your Say site:

For further information on the impact that the proposed Highfields Town Plan will have for the Endangered Ecosystem - please visit this link on our site.

On behalf of the Friends of Rogers Reserve and the extended Rogers family, I would like to thank everyone who has signed the petition, spoken up at meetings, written to councillors and the newspapers and offered support.  The rest now is up to the TRC Councillors.... may they be inspired by this poignant quote from former Crows Nest Shire Council Mayor Geoff Patch.

Judi Gray

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