
Friday, September 18, 2015

Spring bushland observations in Highfields

18th September 2015

Spring is here and during the Friends of Roger's Reserve's working bee today at the reserve, there was plenty to see.  Scaley-breasted Lorikeets were observed emerging from many tree hollows within the reserve (see below).  Butterflies were out and about, including the Blue Triangle Butterfly and the Brown Ringlet (see below).  Wildlflowers were emerging and there was some beautiful fungi on display.  A medium sized Bearded Dragon was observed basking on the track around midday, looking a bit skinny, fresh from hibernation.  

Spring is the perfect time of year to visit this beautiful patch of bushland within suburban Highfields and to appreciate what a gem this patch of remnant dry rainforest is. 


Scaley-breasted Lorikeets emerging from a tree hollow at Charles & Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve, Highfields, 18/09/15

Male Brown Ringlet Butterfly (Hypocysta metirius) at Charles & Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve, Highfields, 18/09/15

Twining Glycine (Glycine clandestina) at Charles & Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve, Highfields, 18/09/15

Twining Glycine (Glycine clandestina) at Charles & Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve, Highfields, 18/09/15

Unknown species of Hairy Caterpillar at Charles & Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve, Highfields, 18/09/15

Beautiful Pinkish Fungi on a fallen log at Charles & Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve, Highfields, 18/09/15

Bearded Dragon basking on the waling track at  Charles & Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve, Highfields, 18/09/15

Female Variegated Fairy-Wren in nest at Charles & Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve, Highfields, 18/09/15

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