
Thursday, November 6, 2014

Native Hibiscus in Bloom at Highfields

This "Native Hibiscus" or "Native Rosella" (Hibiscus heterophyllus) is currently in flower at the Charles and Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve at Highfields.  The flowers are sparse however but it is good to see a touch of spring appearing in these terribly dry times.

This Native Rosella/Hibiscus shrub is a tall open shrub which grows to 6 meters high and has prickly stems. This particular specimen can be found on the outer edge of the reserve on the corner of Polzin Road and O'Brien Road.

This species of Native Hibiscus was first recorded by Allan Cunningham in 1824.  Aboriginals used it for medicinal purposes and created twine and nets from the bark.


Information Source:  Plants of Charles & Motee Rogers Reserve List by Trish Gardener & Mangroves to Mountains - Field Guide to Native Plants of South-east Queensland,

"Native Hibiscus" or "Native Rosella" (Hibiscus heterophyllus) at Charles & Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve, Highfields 06/11/2014

"Native Hibiscus" or "Native Rosella" (Hibiscus heterophyllus)

Un-opened bud of the "Native Hibiscus" or "Native Rosella" (Hibiscus heterophyllus) Highfields.

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