
Friday, August 15, 2014

Lantana Removal at Charles and Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve

We had a good turn-up for volunteers today at the Charles and Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve. Today extensive removal of dead lantana and asparagus weed was performed with good results. Thanks to the extra volunteers today who were a real blessing.  

What is left of the large dead lantana bushes - now reduced to mulch thanks to the hard work of the volunteers today.

Tubers and roots of the Basket Asparagus Fern (Asparagus aethiopicus 'Sprengeri') an Environmental Weed removed today.
"Basket asparagus fern is native to Africa and is one of the most significant garden escapees invading our coastline. It is known as ground asparagus or simply asparagus fern and has been found to be a problem along the entire coast.  Basket asparagus fern is a Class 3 declared pest plant under Queensland legislation and a Weed of National Significance."  More information at DAFF (Qld Dept of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry)

Wayne spotted these large scratch marks on a smooth section of a gum tree at the Charles and Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve today.  They are possibly either from a Possum or a Glider.

The Friends of Rogers Reserve Group meets on the third Friday of the month and welcome any new attendees. 

We all had our eyes open but didn't spot the resident koala on this occasion, but enjoyed watching a pair of Little Corellas come and go from a large tree hollow at the front of the reserve.


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