
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tree clearing adjacent to the Reserve makes Rogers Reserve a vital habitat for wildlife.

Local residents have voiced their concerns about the extensive tree removal at the new Highfields State High School block located adjacent to the Charles and Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve.  Many residents have expressed their sadness at seeing all of the large gum trees removed from the new school block.  While it is understood that some tree removal was necessary to build the new State High-School, it is disappointing that the State Government decided to remove all trees.  At the recent meeting for the High School, I enquired about the planned tree removal and was told that no trees would remain of any size and that the whole school block needed to be leveled and that they did not want "widow-maker" trees in school grounds.  I requested that a a strip of trees on the back edge of the school, away from children's play and sporting areas be kept for a wildlife corridor for gliders and koalas, but was told that this was not possible, but that the state government however, planned to plant new native trees in their place.

Because of this recent tree removal and loss of habitat for local wildlife, the small Rogers Bushland Reserve and nearby Williams Park are now vital areas for wildlife that have had to flee their bushland homes and are looking for native habitat.  It is now more important than ever to ensure that the Endangered Ecosystem of the Charles and Motee Rogers Bushland reserve is preserved not only for the wildlife but for the enjoyment of the local community for future generations.

J Gray.

News paper articles about the adjacent tree clearing below:

High Country Herald Front Cover 18/02/14 - "Trees to come down to make way for new high school"

Article in the High Country Herald 18/02/2014 about tree removal at the Highfields State High School Block

High Country Herald - Letter to the Editor - 25/02/14 from a concerned resident about tree removal at the High School Block.

High Country Herald - SMS to the Editor - 02/03/2014 regarding tree removal at Highfields State High School Block.

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