
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Highfields Resident Complains trees are over her head height at the Reserve

27th November 2019

Highfields resident of 2 years, Michele Eaton from has gone to 7 News to complain about the Charles and Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve at Highfields, saying it needs to be "cleared up" and that the scrub was "over her head height" and that it is "dangerous for people". The complaint came at the time of the Pechey Hampton Bushfires and we certainly understand that people were on high alert. However, these types of ignorant and ill-informed views of  remnant dry rainforest, create fear mongering in the public which is very disappointing. She claims that she had to get hoses to help prepare to put out a recent purposely lit fire in the middle of the reserve, when this is not what was reported by the Rural Fire Brigade or TRC environment staff who were first on the scene.

It is very disappointing that residents such as Michele, who choose to live across from such bushland at the reserve and also on Clark Road, have no or little understanding or interest in what a bushland reserve is, and are only used to seeing mown parks with scattered trees. They are often ignorant to the fact that this is an endangered ecosystem and her property where she lives, once looked just like this!!  One would question why such a person would choose to live across to such a location when there are plenty of places in Highfields to live that are void of any trees and bush? We are pleased that this attitude is not one shared with majority of local residents, many of whom chose to live near the reserve on purpose so they could experience nature and appreciate it. 

We are disappointed 7 news did not contact the Friends of Rogers Reserve for comment, as we could have informed them about the fire management plan for the reserve and the fact that the Rural Fire Brigade and TRC have already had many discussions and on-site evaluations of the bushland and that the recent small fire was an act of vandalism. We are told that the suspect is most likely a local person frustrated with the lack of action by council (in their opinion) on a hazard burn during the peak bushfire season as it coincides with a very recent demand that wasn't acted on for valid safety reasons.

Full news article can be watched below.

We note that we have personally invited Michele Eaton and all O'Brien Road & Clark Road residents to attend our bushcare group working bees and for a walk through the reserve to talk to experts about it, but she has not attended as of yet (June 2020)